This Code of Conduct outlines the standard of conduct and behaviour expected of members and officials of the Clarence City Band and applies to all band related activities. All members and officials must comply with the Code of Conduct.
- Value, encourage and support each other in the pursuit of musical excellence and group performance.
- Act with professionalism to foster and preserve reputations as individuals and that of the Band.
- Demonstrate commitment by attending rehearsals and being on time for rehearsals and performances. Notify the conductor when unable to attend.
- Treat each other with honesty, respect and courtesy.
- Recognise the individual rights and worth of each person, without regard to age, gender, ability, race, religion or cultural background.
- Model appropriate behaviour, act with integrity and objectivity, and take responsibility for your own decisions and behaviour. Act in a way that does not harm the reputation of the Band, or past or present members, or the Clarence City Council. Comply with Band and Council policies and rules, and applicable legislation.
- Not engage in or tolerate bullying, harassment or threatening behaviour.
- Make the Band a safe place for children and young people, and report any suspected or disclosed child safety concerns to a Committee member or other appropriate authority.
- Avoid conflicts of interest, and not use or take advantage of any band information or official duties for personal benefit or for the benefit of any other person.
- Respect and maintain band property, including rented instruments. If able, help with set up and take down of rehearsal and concert gear.
Members who breach the Code of Conduct may (as is appropriate) be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the Band’s Complaints and Grievance Policy and Procedure.